
elia - ten months

Ten months have come (and nearly gone) since Elia was born and she continues to enchant us every day.  She is almost a toddler and her baby-ness is starting to fade.

In celebration of ten magical months, here are ten things about Elia lately:
  1. Elia is a crawling machine.  She's fast and whips up and down the house following either of us wherever we go.
  2. She loves standing a scooting around the furniture.  This has resulted in a few bumps to the head already.  We're battling against hardwood floors through the house - they might be winning.
  3. She knows the sign for "more", and uses it often while eating.
  4. Favorite foods include: Puffs, strawberries, Greek yogurt, anything from a packet, toast (especially off of mom's plate), black beans, and baby chili.
  5. We are pretty sure she knows the chorus to "Old McDonald", whenever we sing it she chimes in with something like... "E-yi-eyi-uh" right before the chorus begins.
  6. Old McDonald aside, she loves when we sing both "The Wheels On the Bus" (she does the motion for 'round and round' - too cute), and "La Araña Pequeñita" (The Itsy Bitsy Spider).
  7. She weighed a whopping 20 pounds at her last doctor's appointment, just a few weeks ago.
  8. I think she misses warmer days just like the rest of us - she's been so happy whenever we've been able to get outside on sunny days.
  9. Bath time is the best time. Splash, splash, splash!
  10. Her hair is starting to move past the pure fluff stage - in no time we'll be at her first haircut.

This post is very late so, if all goes according to plan, we'll have an eleven (11!) month post in about a week!

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