

In celebration of having just completed 31 laps around the sun, I thought I'd share with you 31 things.

1. Today is my birthday.

2. I am 31.

3. The kids slept in today until 8:00! This is nothing short of a birthday miracle.

4. We've spent this weekend celebrating with great food and great company.

5. Todd's brother, Scott, and his new fiancee, Jessica were in town visiting.

6. In the name of celebration - their engagement (yay!) and my birthday - we ate our weight in delicious meals from The Sovengard, Grove, and That Early Bird.

7. The Sovengard is particularly dreamy.

8. Delicious too. Butternut squash fries with apple butter and Westside Punch were my favorites.

9. 31 seems a lot older than 30 to me - like I'm squarely in my thirties, not just a graduate of my twenties.

10. Nothing is a daymaker like hearing your 3 year-old talking excitedly about how it's her mommy's birthday or hearing your 1 year-old say "Happy birthday" first thing in the morning.

11. It's rainy here today. Though I prefer a sunny fall day, a cozy day at home seems just right to kick off year 32.

12. My husband is already trying to age me. He told Elia I was 32. Slow down, dear.

13. We checked out this amazing chocolate shop this morning, Mokaya.

14. A pots de creme made it home with me. And some wonderfully rich hot chocolate.

15. I think 30 was a growth year for me.

16. I am hopeful that 31 is closer to a banner year than a growth year than 30 was.

17. This election cycle has captured my attention more than any other has.

18. On a related note, we're in the middle of rewatching The West Wing, start to finish.

19. I'd totally rock a "Bartlet for President" tee.

20. The kids gave me the most lovely necklace as a birthday gift. It's going to be spending a lot of time around my neck in the year to come.

21. I am looking forward to the day when my birthday will be entirely relaxing. Maybe when the kids are 12 and 14? Out of the house? They're so so dear but don't grasp the whole concept of letting a birthday be a special day. Yet. (Channeling that optimism.)

22. We are heading to Denver for Thanksgiving this year.

23. I'm fairly certain it will be only the second Thanksgiving I've spent away from Grand Rapids.

24. The first was my senior year of college when I was studying abroad in Buenos Aires.

25. The study abroad service hosted a full Thanksgiving dinner for all of the American students in town, it was great.

26. My sister was in town visiting so I still got to enjoy Thanksgiving with family.

27. I dream of having a successful side hustle but have so many ideas I'm not sure where to begin.

28. Snap! I just re-read this post and realized that 21 and 28 were duplicates. So, fun fact: Todd and I are working on perfecting a cocktail we call the "Pine Island". I promise to post the recipe when we've nailed it.

29. Do you remember Punky Brewster? Elia dressed like her today.

30. Reading has taken the back burner over the last few years but I'm hoping to squeeze in at least 1 maybe 2 more books before the end of the year. I'm thinking Present Over Perfect and The Girl On The Train.

31. Todd went out of his way to make my birthday month special, with little surprises and treats arriving every week. I am grateful.

Tomorrow, I'll get down to the business of making 31 a standout year but for now, I'm going to enjoy the last few hours of my birthday relaxing with a bowl of popcorn and an episode of The West Wing. Thank you to everyone who has made this birthday so special!

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