
wells: month eight

What a month Wells' eighth month has been! It flew by so incredibly fast, partially due to the fact that we weren't at home for most of it making our daily rush just that much crazier.

He has been working towards crawling but isn't quite there yet.

I'm sure when that day comes, it will feel even busier around here. But chaos can be a good thing, right?

He loves to clap his hands, especially when someone is singing or music is playing.
He drools like a maniac but still no teeth in sight.
He's continued to try new foods and like almost all of them.

He's overall quite agreeable though he still largely prefers to be around people at all times. Thankfully, as he's started to become more sturdy and interactive, I've seems glimmers of moments that make me think he and his sister will be great friends one day.

Life is busy with two but we're just so grateful that Wells joined our family last summer, he's a real keeper, our little buddy. Looking forward to whatever the next month brings...Will it be teeth? Will it be crawling? We'll have to wait and see!

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